Tai Chi Long Form - Lift Hands
12 Nov 2024 Lift Hands
Lift Hands is very similar to Play the Pei Pa, but the two moves are not exactly the same. In the context of the form, moving out of Diagonal Flying, shift your weight to your right foot and pick up your left foot and take a half step forward (your left toes finish facing to 10:30). Shift your weight onto your left foot, then pick up your right foot and set it back down on your heel, more than shoulder width from your left foot, toes up, facing to 12:00. As you bring your right heel down your arms sweep out to either side, then your palms move towards each other, right hand in front of the left, fingers generally pointing up. Your left hand finishes its move approximately one fists distance in front of your chest palm facing into but not touching your right elbow. Your right hand will be slightly higher than your left. Settle into the technique by shifting your weight forward. You can imagine that Diagonal Flying is a block to a right hand punch, and Lift Hands is a block and capture to a left hand punch that ends by first dislocating your opponent’s left elbow joint followed by pushing them backwards and up.