Tai Chi Long Form - Diagonal Single WHip/Fist Under Elbow
9 Sep 2024 Diagonal Single Whip/Fist Under Elbow
(Diagonal Single Whip) Some styles go completely through Single Whip here, but we do not. Gently straighten both arms until they are generally parallel to the ground, palms more or less face down. Shift your weight to the left foot as you turn your waist to the left. Arms follow the waist turning to the left, moving in a large circle. Here, instead of making your right hand into crane beak (as you would do if going to Single Whip), extend it to your right, palm up. Move your left foot in towards your right into a cat stance. Your left hand chambers to your right at chest level, palm down.
(Fist Under Elbow) Step left to 9:00 into a 60/40 stance as you bring your right palm forward (it looks just like Brush Knee), your left hand clears to the left finishing its movement at your left hip approximately one fists distance from your body. Make your right hand into a loose fist. Finish in a left foot forward cat stance with the toes pointing up. Bring your left hand up, elbow bent, fingers at eye level pointing up, right fist moves under your left elbow.
From Boonchai
“You finish the short form. Short form has Wave Hands Like Clouds. You learn three. You count three as one move. If you count it as 3 or 5 moves, then its 85 moves. They are the same. We should not call this form ‘long form’, don’t call it 137 move, you should call it Yang Chen Fu Tai Chi. The actual founder was the third son that made it slow like this one. In 1956-7 China wanted to have a shorter Yang style so the government brought in a group of Yang Chen Fu masters in to make the shorter one. It’s the simplified form of Yang style tai chi. That one is good for beginners. Don’t call it a number. Any form coming from Yang family should be called a name, not a number. People who call it those names are people that don’t understand.
Sometimes you see some advertising of the short form, they call it Yang style short form 24 movements. It should not be called this. Because it’s not from Yang family it’s from China government PE department. Even though the movements are based on Yang family. The official name is Tai Chi Chuan Simplified 24 Movements. People here don’t understand. It looks like Yang style but it’s not.”