Tai Chi Long Form - Embrace Tiger Return to Mountain
19 Aug 2024 Embrace Tiger Return to Mountain
This is the beginning of Part 2. Turn your left foot in towards 3 o’clock simultaneously dropping your left arm. Your right arm moves slightly in, and then circles down. Your left hand circles up to chamber at your left ear. Your right hand turns palm down at the level of your waist. Step with the right foot to 4:30 into a 60/40 stance while simultaneously sweeping your right hand to the right, palm down, your right hand finishes its movement at your right knee. Your left hand pushes forward, palm facing out, your left arm is parallel to the ground, elbow is soft.
From Boonchai
“Second section new moves are harder than the third section new moves. Second section is long. Third section is the longest. But you notice that the second section has some new moves.
Tai chi is different from martial arts. Martial arts doesn’t have soft. Martial arts is you punch and then you hold it. Tai chi is once you finish the move you have to immediately go to the next move. That is so tricky. When I learned in the beginning my teacher always said make sure you don’t overlap them, you finish this move before you start the next move. Beginners, you go to watch outside people practice when they go on the stage, they often overlap the movements, you can see it online too. Often people overlap, they haven’t finished the move and they start the next one. That is not good. Tai chi the tricky part is that they are move you have to finish each move before you go to the next move. No stopping. No pausing. You have to remind yourself to finish this one but with no pause. No corners. So I can go smoothly into the next movement.”